During this week we learned about the basics of HTML. HTML stands for hypertext markup language, which is used to structure a webpage.
This week we were introduced to GhitHub, we created a respiratory for a project we are working on in class, Women in Design and also another one for a project we are working on ourselves, The Street of Crocodiles. Below is the respiratory for Women in Design.
For actually creating our HTML we need to use a tool called VSC, we also learned some of the basic tags such as <p>, <section>, <link>, <head> and <blockquote>. Below is how we started creating our website using these tags.
Below shows how we started to create our website using these tags, by using these different tags we are creating a hierarchy of information.
Here is how our website looked just by using simple tags, the structure is very understandable and important information is clear due to the use of <h1> and <h2> tags. Titles and subheadings are easily recognisbale. We were also intoruduced to different fuctions of tags such as opening tags and closing tags. These are important as the code will not work without these.