The Female Pentagram Partners (

In week 12, we had a critique class were Kyle went over our websites so far, my website was reviewed by Kyle and also those in my class. I received some pointers for my website.

  1. Layout issues- Framer is quite a hard tool to use and a problem a lot of people seemed to be having was layout. My website was not adapted to fit a large screen, there was a blank section to the right which needed to be fixed. Images also were an issue, for some reason the images I had inputted were resizing themselves when I published them.


  2. Consistent layout- The layout of my text in my website was hard to distinguish the order to read the sections in. Kyle suggested to have a consistent layout for all my sections which would make everything so much easier. I decided to delete some sections as there was too much text in one screen. I also moved the quote below and made a frame around it individually.

    Screenshot 2023-12-16 115717.png

Screenshot 2023-12-16 115704.png

  1. Font- A mistake I made was not checking the typeface, colour and size of the text and ensuring that they are consistent, for example, the text in the Scher section was navy compared to the rest of the body text. I also had different sizes of text within the content. This was unprofessional and was corrected in the new version.

  2. Padding- Some sections were very close to one another, therefore I needed to add padding around the sections.

  3. Header image was blurry- The top image was not clear as I had resized it, therefore I decided to put the question in and add my name as the designer and creator of the website.


  4. Interactions- My navigation bar was not interactive, which I needed to change.

  5. Bibliography- I needed to input my bibliography at the end of the website.

  6. Adaptability- Finally, I needed to make the website more adaptable, I had actually tried to add breakpoints to my website therefore those with a smaller device such as a Smartphone will be able to see the website scaled to fit their device. However, I had multiple problems with this as when I tried to move a section such as the images it would also move it in a different breakpoint. I spent hours trying to scale the website to fit a tablet, however, I was nervous in case it would disrupt my original webpage.

To see how I refined these problems, I continued on my “Project 03- Web Essay”.

Overall, my tutor said he really liked my design and there isn’t a major issue just a few small ones, some of the issues came from technical difficulties on Framer, I really struggled with getting some of these issues to work as I found Framer to be difficult to work with