This week we spent a majority of the class perfecting our CVs. Our lecturer came around and looked at everyone’s work so far to give a bit of feedback and give some helpful advice.

For this class we were asked to have a CV finished, which I have created and wrote up, I used InDesign to create this. Below is the CV I had shown.

CV for ixd (1).indd

I had never used In Design before, however I didn't feel as if I had no clue what I was doing. It was some what easy to pick up however, I wasn't being too adventurous and was only really using the text box feature which is maybe why I found it easy to use.


I only really had text in my CV as it wasn't fully designed, however I wanted to make sure I had the content in my CV right before really starting to design it. I wanted to make sure that it was long and detailed enough but also not overdone.

Some of things I needed to change were moving the subtitles to sit on the same line as the body text. Changing the size of the text, moving the title of the page to a different position and just a few small adjustments.

Another thing I was told was that I need to start thinking of the platform that I will create my portfolio on. We had a various amount of different platforms to choose from. As I am not 100% confident in my HTML and CSS skills, I decided to use a visual code platform first to see how that goes. If this platform goes well and I finish it with time to spare I may decide to try a coding website.

I stratded looking through some of the different platforms that we were given to choose from, I was familiar with some of them but wanted to use a new platofrm. I have decided on what one I am going to use, which is Webflow. I have heard of this before and after watching some tutorials and lookign through the navigation I am happy to go with this. They also seem to be very helpful and familair with making portfolios.

Overall, I got a good bit done in this class, I got to spend time working a bit more on my CV and I also got started on my portfolio, I didn't get very far into this, however I chose what platform I am going to use which is a great start.