This module has been really interesting, I found it really inspiring and thought provoking. We looked at some of the key aspects that will be used in real life situations which was a great balance between module 301 and this module. 302 gave a great insight into working both in a company or for yourself. The blend between theory and practical work and insight in today's competitive workforce will be extremely beneficial. I think the focus on professional skills such as working etiquette and presentation skills are a great step into the industry and allowed me to develop my understanding of this side of interaction design.
This module also helped me understand terms that I had pre conceived ideas about, such as NDAs which I had previously thought were only used for serious or suspicious business activity. I think this is really important to learn about and prepares us for real life working environments by providing practical skills, professional etiquette and industry knowledge. Writing about CVs and tender documents is something I think is really essential for when we are applying for jobs. I feel more confident in my writing abilities and now know how to write a strong CV. I also feel more confident in protecting my rights to my own work and how to license then to others for use.
This model also encourages me to think of what I actually want from this course and what route I want to go down career wise. From placement talks and learning more about how businesses run and the environments within it, I had to consider what environment would suit me the most, It made me reflect more on my skills, interests and goals. By writing a CV I had to consider what my strengths are, why I would be suitable and what I am good at. I got a bit of experience in freelancing by coming up with a pitch for my own ideas and evaluated how I present myself by making a personal brand. This course enabled me to really think about my goals and what kind of work inspires me.
I definitely feel more confident about my skills and understanding of interaction design, beforehand I felt a bit of imposter syndrome and felt like I was way behind everyone in terms off skill and knowledge and felt not as prepared. From this module I have now more experience to secure great opportunities, build credibility, make connections and advance in professional environments.